PhD Students

Support for Selected PhD Students

Nokia will generously sponsor the registration fee of eight (8) distinguished PhD students, who will be selected by the SCEE 2008 organizers.

Applying (closed!)

Any PhD student, who is the first author of an Abstract, who has done at least 50 % of the related research work, and who is submitting the Abstract himself/herself, can apply.
(Click here for details on Abstract submission.)

In the same e-mail, where you attach the Abstract-related files, you should also attach a short .txt/.pdf/.doc document (e.g., "smithphdsudent.txt") containing the following information:

  1. Title (e.g., "Mr.", "Ms.", ...)
  2. Name
  3. Age
  4. Affiliation (including the web site of your group/lab/department/...)
  5. Title of your SCEE 2008 Abstract (for cross checking purposes)
  6. The (tentative) title/topic of your PhD thesis
  7. The (estimated) date when you will finish your PhD thesis
  8. A list of your publications, if any
  9. Any other relevant information (please be short here!)
  10. The e-mail address of your professor/supervisor


The applications will be evaluated by the SCEE 2008 organizers based on the following criteria:

  1. Scientific quality of Abstracts
  2. Our impression of who are "distinguished PhD students"
  3. Our understanding of who would benefit from this support
  4. Balance in supporting applicants coming from different countries

As can be understood from the above, rather diverse, criteria, the SCEE 2008 organizers are not necessarily selecting the "best" eight PhD students in the strict sense.

Informing the Applicants

All the applicants will be informed on Friday 13.06.2008, the date of the Notification of Acceptance, whether or not their registration fee is sponsored.


We received 16 applications and selected 8 applications from the following countries: Austria (2), The Netherlands (2), Ireland (1), Romania (1), Turkey (2), and USA (1).

Last updated 19.06.2008 by JR