Abstract Submission (closed!)

Scientific Content

The Abstract should describe original scientific work. Note that the word "Abstract" here means an "Extended Summary" or a "Mini-Paper" rather than, say, 50 lines of plain text only. In the 1-2 page Abstract (the produced final pdf file), there should also be some formulae/figures/tables and references. The Abstract should include some (preliminary) results, e.g., formulae derived or measurement/simulation results obtained.

It is understandable and acceptable that the authors of accepted Abstracts continue/extend/improve the related research work before submitting the 8-page Full Paper some months later.

Typesetting the Abstract

The Abstract must be typset with LaTeX using the conference class file scee2008.cls. Do not use MS Word or any other word processor to typeset your Abstract, as it will not be accepted.

You may use any program to draw figures, but save your figures as Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files. Then, include these EPS figures into your Abstract. To generate your bibliography, you may either use LaTeX directly or use BibTeX.

Files to be downloaded:

You will find below an example template and other necessary files required to generate an example Abstract. You may download the required files individually by clicking each file name below:

  1. scee2008.cls    the conference LaTeX class file
  2. author.tex    the text body template
  3. authorfig1.eps    a figure (EPS file)
  4. authorref.tex    a bibliography template for direct use in LaTeX
    or authorref.bib    a bibliography database for BibTeX users
  5. author.pdf    a ready, printable Abstract (which is not required to generate the Abstract)
Alternatively, click here to download the file scee2008files.tar.gz containing all six of the above files, packed and compressed with gzip (zipped tarball).

To unpack the downloaded zipped tarball on Linux computers, write, on the command line,

tar -zxvf scee2008files.tar.gz
and press the enter key. If this does not work for you, as may happen on some Unix computers, try
gunzip scee2008files.tar.gz
tar -xvf scee2008files.tar

Bibliography directly with LaTeX:

The file author.tex is set to create the bibliography directly by inputing the references contained in authorref.tex. Run LaTeX twice to get the cross-references correct, i.e., type

latex author.tex
latex author.tex
to obtain the dvi file.

For BibTeX users:

Edit the last few lines of the file author.tex appropriately, following the instructions there, so that the reference database in authorref.bib is used. Then, to obtain the dvi file with correct cross-referencing, type the following:

latex author.tex
bibtex author
latex author.tex
latex author.tex

Viewing the Abstract:

You may view the typeset dvi file (the EPS figures may not appear correctly) by writing

xdvi author.dvi
or you may create the pdf file which you may then view with your favourite viewer (acroread, xpdf, kpdf, etc):
dvips -P pdf -o author.ps author.dvi
ps2pdf author.ps
acroread author.pdf

File-naming convention:

Your Abstract source and pdf files should be named so that they begin with your last name followed by the appropriate extension. For an example on the naming convention, see E-mail Submission below.

E-mail Submission

The corresponding author, preferably the first author of the Abstract, must submit, not later than Friday 09.05.2008, an e-mail in plain text to the SCEE 2008 secretary, Mr. Luis Costa, to the following e-mail address:
scee2008 (at) ct.tkk.fi

The subject of the e-mail should be the following:

In order to pre-register to SCEE 2008, the body of the e-mail text must contain the following information of the corresponding author:

  1. Title    (e.g., "Dr.", "Prof.", "Mr.", "Ms.", ...)
  2. Name
  3. E-mail address
  4. Affiliation
  5. Title of Abstract
  6. Primary choice of main topic:    CE, CS, CP, or CM
  7. Secondary choice of main topic    (if any): CE, CS, CP, CM, or NONE
  8. Preferred form of presentation:    talk, poster, or any
    (This selection does not have any effect on the review process. But once the accepted Abstracts have been selected, the organizers may use this info to plan the SCEE 2008 schedule.)

Most importantly, the e-mail must contain the following attached files:

Click here to see an example of a proper Abstract submission e-mail.

(PhD students interested in getting the registration-fee support, please click here for details on the additional attachment file required.)


We received 102 contributed abstracts. Each abstract was reviewed by 2 or 3 reviewers. Then, 86 abstracts (84 %) were accepted: 33 for oral presentations and 53 for poster presentations.

Book of Abstracts

SCEE 2008 Book of Abstracts (pdf)

Last updated on 07.05.2009 by LC & JR